Realising that we were making some pretty big claims regarding the versatility and efficacy of our new generation formula Activance Rapid. In April, we invited Wellness Members interested in testing our new products to trial the Activance Rapid formula.
Those claims are
> Slow-growing hair or excessive hair fall
> Lacking volume or fine, thinning hair
> Taming unruly, frizzy, or static flyaway hair
> Dull, porous, chemical or heat damaged hair
> Reducing breakage, split ends & colour fading
> Sensitive, allergy-prone, or unhealthy scalps
We chose 15 participants and supplied them with a sample size (120ml) bottle that would last for three weeks. We asked them to apply the product every day until they had finished the bottle or for three weeks, whichever came first.
We then asked them to complete a questionnaire, mainly to understand our newest hair nutrient treatment better - we knew it worked; we just wanted to hear it from the people who use it!
Our questionnaire asked 15 questions broken into three sections. The first section gathered information on how the participants used the product and the condition of their hair before commencing the trial. The second section asked them about their experience while using the product, and in the third section, we ask for more general feedback.
Here is an overview of the responses received from the questionnaire.
Of the 15 participants, 13 were already using one of our leave-in treatments. For two participants, this was their first experience using an Activance leave-in hair nutrient treatment.
We'll focus on the results of these two individuals first as we believe their experience of the product offers the best example of what can be achieved by someone in the first three weeks of use.
Trialist One (T1): A male stated his main concern was thinning hair or hair loss. He had not been using another hair loss treatment. He didn't experience any irritation or sensitivity while using the treatment and considered the formula light with little or no residue and no smell. He advised that the condition of his hair after using Activance Rapid was more voluminous (has increased in density/volume) and mentioned that it appeared to be darker. For ease of use (on a scale of 1-5, with five being very easy), he rated it a 5.
When asked this question, "Bearing in mind that your hair and scalp type may not require all the benefits of using Activance Rapid. Do you think that the claims on the packaging are generally accurate?" he answered yes. T1 also answered yes when asked if "Overall, do you feel that the product meets your expectations?" And also that he would probably start using Activance Rapid once it became available to the general public.
The final question invited him to write a review and rate the product out of 5. T1 gave Activance Rapid a 5-star rating and wrote this review "I found the product easy to use and had the results in the first week, with my hair thickening at the temple. It seems to have increased the number of dark hair in the thinning areas in my greying hair that comes with age."
Trialist Two (T2):...
A note about conducting surveys and gathering data...
Activance Wellness Memberships were soft-launched in late March. So in early April, when we invited new Members who had indicated on their application form that they would be willing to be a "new product tester", we only had 20 people to ask. We were very excited when we had 13 people apply. Two of those people also requested the trial product for their friend, bringing our total trialists to 15!
So our stats for participation were pretty much reflecting what is typical for this type of thing, i.e., ask 20 people - half will take up the offer (in our case 15), ask for them to send back a survey or respond in some way, you can expect that number to halve again. Our data-gathering exercise was no different; we had only nine people complete and submit our questionnaire. T2 was not one of them :(
Not to be deterred, we'd very much like to trial our new Rapid formula on a few more people. This time we're looking for participants completely new to Activance who are not using any other hair growth treatments. If that sounds like you or someone you know, can you please contact us and tell us why you'd like to trial Activance Rapid.
Here's a breakdown of the replies we received from those nine respondents to 5 key questions:
Q. Would you consider the condition of your hair after using Activance Rapid to be... (please check all that apply)
• More manageable eg if your hair usually is unruly, frizzy, or has static flyaways (4)
• More voluminous (has increased in density/volume) (5)
• Less prone to breakage and split ends (3)
• Experiencing less hair fall than normal (8)
• Other - please advise of any changes to your hair and scalp (2)
"It appears to be darker"
"Scalp feels more soothed and moisturised"
Q. Bearing in mind that your hair and scalp type may not require all the benefits of using Activance Rapid. Do you think that the claims (above) are generally accurate?
A. ALL answered YES
Q. Overall, do you feel that the product meets your expectations?
A. ALL answered YES
Q. Do you think that you might start using Activance Rapid when it becomes available?
A. ALL answered YES
Q. What rating would you give to Activance Rapid?
A. 7 gave five stars, 2 gave four stars
Activance Rapid in now available to purchase in our online store and at our flagship store in North Melbourne.
If you have any questions or queries about the trial or Activance Rapid please reach out to us via our contact form.