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Is your shampoo the culprit for triggering hair loss?

Is your shampoo the culprit for triggering hair loss?

Could the Wrong Shampoo be Causing Your Hair Loss Issues? Many people experience hair loss at some point in their lives, and it can be a frustrating and distressing issue. While there are various factors that can contribute to hair loss, such as genetics, hormonal changes, and underlying medical conditions, one factor that is often overlooked is the choice of shampoo. Activance follicle friendly shampoos help you get this important 'first step' towards hair health and growth right.&nbs …
19th Jul 2023 Arthur Chan, R&D Pharmacist, Regenerative Health Pharmacist, Activance Clinic Consultant
9 Shampoo Myths Busted - Misconceptions Dispelled by an R&D Pharmacist

9 Shampoo Myths Busted - Misconceptions Dispelled by an R&D Pharmacist

Chemicals are BAD, and natural is GOOD, right?The Nobel Prize-winning molecule, Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DDT in 1948, was once known as a "miracle insecticide" and believed to cause no harm to humans or the environment!Unfortunately, this proved incorrect after a decade of usage and was subsequently banned. This tragedy and recurring environmental horror stories resulting from toxic chemical disasters or spillage over the years have fuelled our fear of synthetic 'man-made' chemicals.&nbs …
3rd Nov 2022 Arthur Chan, R&D Pharmacist, Regenerative Health Pharmacist, Activance Clinic Consultant

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